Adopt-a-Park Program

The Adopt-A-Park Program promotes the maintenance and beautification of city parks through litter and debris removal by various individuals and groups. This initiative benefits the city and participating groups by creating a cleaner, more attractive environment and recognizing the groups involved.

Community groups can adopt a specific park or a designated area within a larger park to perform clean-ups at least 12 times a year. The Parks and Recreation Department provides latex gloves, trash bags, and litter collection after each clean-up. Additionally, a recognition sign with the group’s name will be erected at the adopted park.

Certain parks have been identified for the Adopt-A-Park program, while others are excluded due to safety, economic, logistical, or developmental reasons. Larger parks may have specific areas designated for clean-up, with a maximum number of groups allowed per park based on size, usage, or other factors.

Community groups are encouraged to participate in the program, which requires at least six individuals per group. Both children and adults can participate, with at least one adult for every six children.

For-profit groups will be charged a $100 non-refundable fee to help cover costs, while non-profit groups, school groups, family groups, and similar entities can join for free.

To adopt a park or park location for litter and debris removal, contact the Parks & Recreation Department at 772-878-2277. The program is coordinated by Parks Operations.

Group Sign-up Procedures

Application and Agreement:


  • Adopt a park or portion thereof to perform debris and litter removal at least 12 times a year.
  • Schedule one clean-up to coincide with a state or national clean-up day.
  • Only perform debris and litter removal activities unless pre-approved for other projects, such as exotic plant removal, by submitting a written request at least one month prior to the proposed clean-up.

Participant Responsibility:

  • Ensure participants are responsible enough to safely participate in clean-up activities.
  • Provide adequate adult supervision for youth under 18 years of age.

Safety and Scheduling:

  • Perform clean-ups only during daylight hours and favorable weather conditions.
  • Evening clean-ups at lighted facilities require prior approval from the Department.

Adopt-a-Park Sign Policy

A sign will be installed at the entrance of the adopted park or at another designated location within the park as determined by the Department. The Adopt-A-Park sign may share a signpost with other park signs. The sign will display the name of the group but cannot include political or controversial statements. The Department retains sole responsibility for the final approval of all sign designs.

Clean-up Guidelines

The Parks Division will coordinate the distribution of supplies and paperwork for clean-ups with the group representative. Supplies provided will include latex gloves, trash bags, trash grippers, volunteer rosters, reporting forms, and, as needed, a first aid kit.

Volunteer rosters must be completed with basic information, hours worked, and each participant's initials. These rosters must be signed by the assigned Supervisor. Completed rosters and clean-up report forms(PDF, 73KB) are to be submitted to the assigned Supervisor or mailed to the Department within five days of each clean-up.

Groups should schedule clean-ups by contacting the Parks & Recreation Department at 772-878-2277 and requesting to speak with the Adopt-A-Park Coordinator. Contact must be made at least three weeks before the desired clean-up date. Dates may be denied due to special events, other scheduled clean-ups, or park safety considerations as determined by the Department.

All volunteers must sign-in on the Volunteer Roster form before participating in the clean-up and report to the assigned Supervisor before starting work. Filled trash bags should be placed in a site dumpster if available, or as directed by the Supervisor.

Group members are required to adhere to the safety guidelines of the Adopt-a-Park program(PDF, 68KB). Any hazardous situations or conditions should be promptly reported to Parks personnel on duty or the City of Port St. Lucie Police Department by calling 911.