Vacant Lot Encroachment Program

pile of trash and materials and high weeds

On July 28, 2014, the City Council approved the addition of Section 43, Vacant Lots (Unimproved Real Property Nuisance), for the purpose of abating the public nuisances defined in that chapter. The owner of any unimproved property located within the City of Port St. Lucie who creates, suffers, or permits encroachment upon a developed lot shall be responsible for abating the nuisance and, if the owner fails to abate the nuisance in accordance with the notice given pursuant to this chapter, the City may abate the nuisance and the City shall be reimbursed for the costs associated with the abatement pursuant to the provisions of this chapter for the recovery of those costs.

The City shall have the authority to and shall take steps to ensure the abatement of public nuisances in the most aggressive manner provided by the City's Code of Ordinances and state law. The abatement of such nuisances protects the public health, safety and welfare, enhances the value of the property, involves the furnishing of vital municipal services, and specifically benefits the property on which the nuisance is abated. The cost of any abatement, including administrative fees and costs, shall constitute a special assessment upon the benefited property.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I don't cut back my lot?
The case will be referred to our field staff and will be brought to a hearing in front of a Special Magistrate. If found in violation the City could be given authority to abate (fix) the violation and pass the associated fees onto the property owner as an assessment on the property.

Where can I place my signs?
Please refer to our Sign Code page for illustrations on how signs should be placed.

Can I place or leave the cut branches and debris on my lot?
No, this is a violation of City Code and could result in a fine.

How much time do I have to come into compliance before I could be fined?
The courtesy letter was a notification of the complaint which should allow ample time to comply the violations. Once the Code Compliance Division formally addresses this compliant, you will received a certified letter for a Notice of Hearing for the case to be seen by the Special Magistrate. This gives you typically 30-45 days to comply the violations. Please keep in contact with the Code Specialist that is assigned to the case.

I am from out of state, where can I obtain a list of companies that can help me?
The best option would be to search the internet for a local licensed landscaper, arborist, or tree trimming company. The City cannot recommend or provide listings for services.

Once complied, could I be found in violation again?
Yes, a property can be found in violation every 12 months. Annual maintenance is required.

What do I do after I correct the vacant lot violations?
Once the overgrowth is cut back from the neighboring developed property, please email The Code Division will then send out a Code Specialist to reinspect the property and advise us of their findings. If in compliance the complaint will be closed out.

What do I do with the tree debris that is cut back from my neighbor’s property line?
Since unimproved (vacant) lots do not pay for waste removal, you will need to contract with a waste removal company and have the debris hauled away.

What do I need to do to come into vacant lot compliance?
Please trim your overgrowth back per the City Code of Ordinance Sec 43.04.

What happens if I don’t take any action?
The case will be referred to our field staff and will be brought to a hearing in front of a Special Magistrate. If found in violation the City could be given authority to abate (fix) the violation and pass the associated fees onto the property owner as an assessment on the property.

What happens if I leave trimmings/debris at curbside?
All trimmings and debris must be hauled away. Unimproved lots are not assessed for solid waste services. Placing yard waste in vacant lots is considered illegal dumping and against city ordinance. Code Compliance will investigate to determine if illegal dumping has occurred. If illegal dumping is evident, the property owner will be notified and asked to come into compliance. If the property owner fails to cooperate, the city will follow standard Code Compliance procedures such as issuing a citation and/or placing a lien on the property.

What is an abandoned or vacant property?
Read Chapter 42. Abandoned or Vacant Property

Abandoned or vacant real property negatively impacts the community and causes blight. Many properties undergoing foreclosure are vacant prior to the conclusion of the foreclosure process and can go unoccupied for months or even years. Thus, leaving the properties abandoned and untended for extended periods of time awaiting foreclosure sale. It is the purpose and intent of this chapter to establish a registration process to limit and reduce the deterioration of property which have been abandoned due to a foreclosure or where ownership had been transferred to a lender or mortgagee by any legal method.

Why am I receiving a Courtesy Letter?
You are receiving a letter because the City has received a complaint for vegetation overgrowth on a vacant property. A courtesy letter may be sent to vacant lot owner to allow them addition time to bring the property into compliance prior to a Special Magistrate hearing being scheduled. Additionally, a copy is sent to the complainant to inform them of the City’s actions to obtain voluntary compliance.