Crosswalk Flag Program

To improve pedestrian safety at selected crosswalk intersections, the City of Port St. Lucie is implementing a See Me Flags Pedestrian Crosswalk Safety Pilot Program. Flags have been provided for added visibility when crossing two-lane roadways.

They are located at:

  • Selvitz Road and North Macedo Boulevard intersection (marked crosswalk on the north side)
  • Selvitz Road between Lybia Lane and Peachtree Boulevard (mid-block marked crosswalk)
  • Green River Parkway and Melaleuca Boulevard intersection (marked crosswalk on the south side)

Safety flag evaluation

A pilot project, approved by the City Council, directed staff to evaluate crosswalk flags at three select locations. The flags are provided for use by pedestrians while crossing the three locations to increase visibility and safety. The flags can be picked up from a container on one side and then deposited in another container once pedestrians have completed crossing the roadway.


The key to the program's success is educating the public about pedestrian safety in Florida. Together, motorists and pedestrians can make safety a priority by following the state's pedestrian crosswalk law. Studies completed by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) determined crosswalk flags are up to 80% effective at stopping cars when used by pedestrians using them at crosswalks.


Motorists: It pays to obey

Motorists should stop at least 30 feet back from a crosswalk so pedestrians can see cars in other lanes, if appropriate. Drivers should also wait until pedestrians have crossed at least one lane before proceeding. Motorists are required by law to stop whenever pedestrians step into a crosswalk. Violations in St. Lucie County carry a $166 fine and three points will be assessed against a driver's record. (Florida Statute 316.130)

Pedestrians: You can help

Pedestrians are also required to use a crosswalk if one is present. Pedestrians should never step in front of a moving vehicle but should indicate they want to cross the street by placing one foot off the curb in the street and wait for the car(s) to come to a stop. This is also the time when the safety flags can be used for increased visibility and to signal the pedestrian's intent to cross the road. Pedestrians should continue to look for oncoming traffic as they cross each lane. Not using a crosswalk can result in a citation totaling $64.50 in St. Lucie County. (Florida Statute 316.130)


The pilot project is funded through the available Road and Bridge Operating Budget/Traffic Funds for FY 2021. Following the six-month pilot project, staff will make a presentation to City Council in early 2022 to outline the effectiveness, estimated budget, implementation and maintenance challenges and additional site selection criteria. Staff will provide a recommendation to City Council regarding abandoning or expanding the project.

Report missing flags

To report missing flags, please call 772- 871-5100 or email To comment on the pilot project and the potential use of flags at other locations, email

Tips for pedestrians

Crosswalk Pedestrian Tips

Be safe and be seen: Make yourself visible to drivers

  • Wear bright or light-colored clothing and reflective materials.
  • Carry a flashlight when walking at night.
  • Cross in well-lit areas at night.
  • Stand clear of buses, hedges, parked cars or other obstacles before crossing so drivers can see you.

Be smart and alert: Avoid dangerous behaviors

  • Always walk on the sidewalk; if there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic.
  • Stay sober; walking while impaired increases your chance of being struck.
  • Don't assume vehicles will stop. Make eye contact with drivers; don't just look at the vehicle. If a driver is on a cell phone, they may not be paying attention.
  • Don't rely solely on pedestrian signals, look before you cross the road.
  • Be alert to engine noise or backup lights on cars when in parking lots and near on-street parking spaces.

Be careful at crossing: look before you step

  • Cross streets at marked crosswalks or intersections, if possible.
  • Obey traffic signals such as walk/don't walk signs.
  • Look left, right and left again before crossing the street.
  • Look across all lanes you must cross and visually clear each lane before proceeding.
  • Don't wear headphones or talk on a cell phone while crossing.

Tips for drivers

Crosswalk Driver Tips

Be alert: Always watch for pedestrians

  • Scan the road and the sides of the road ahead for pedestrians.
  • Before making a turn, look in all directions for pedestrians crossing.
  • Don't drive distracted or after consuming alcohol or other drugs.
  • Look carefully behind your vehicle for approaching pedestrians, especially small children, before backing up.
  • For maximum visibility, keep your windshield clean and headlights on.

Be responsible: Stop for pedestrians at crossings

  • Stop for pedestrian crosswalks, whether marked or unmarked.
  • Stop for pedestrians when making right or left turns at intersections.
  • Do not block or park in crosswalks.

Be patient: Drive the speed limit and avoid aggressive maneuvers

  • Never pass/overtake a vehicle that is stopped for pedestrians.
  • Obey speed limits and come to a complete stop at stop signs.
  • Use extra caution when driving near children who are playing along the street or older pedestrians who may not see or hear you.
  • Always be prepared to stop for pedestrians.