How much does it cost to convert from well and septic to city water and sewer?
Are deposits refundable?
Yes, deposits are refunded to a customer upon a satisfactory payment record for a period of 18 months.
What if I am not new to the area, but simply moving from one home to another?
Account transfers can be done over the phone; however, all outstanding charges must be paid for the old location before a transfer can be completed.
I have been away for several weeks, why is my bill so high?
The city bills on a monthly basis; your time away may have overlapped the billing period. It's also possible you have a water leak; for example, a leaking toilet, faucet(s), or a leak in your service line. Leak detection information is available from our Connection Support Division.
Does the city estimate my bill?
On rare occasions, such as after a severe weather event, we may find it necessary to estimate your water bill based on your water use history.
How are sewer charges calculated?
Sewer charges are based on a metered water usage. Sewer-only accounts are charged a flat sewer rate. Residential sewer charges cap out at 8,000 gallons of metered water use.
Why do I continue to receive a bill when I am out of town 6 months a year?
The city's utility rates are structured so that all customers share in the fixed cost of providing utility service.
Should I have my water shut off if I am on vacation?
The choice is yours, but we recommend having it turned off to avoid possible water loss. There is no charge to have the water turned off; however, there is a $50 charge for reconnection.
Can I shut off my own water?
Yes, but only at your house valve. Only authorized city personnel have access to the city's pipes, meters, etc. Any loss or damage to city property is the responsibility of the customer.
When can I have my water turned off or on?
Routine requests for a turn-on or turn-off can be done for the next business day at no additional charge. Same day service for turn-on or turn-off can be done for an additional charge of $50, which must be collected before it can be scheduled.
When do bills become delinquent?
Bills are due when rendered and become delinquent if not paid within 20 days after they are issued. If service is in delinquent shut-off status, it will be restored after all past due bills and a $65 reconnect fee are paid.
What is the base facility charge on my bill?
A monthly base facility charge (BCF) or "readiness to serve" fee is applied to all water, wastewater, or reclaimed water bill regardless of whether there is any usage recorded for that month.